
1956 Born South Dakota, USA

I have been working for the last 40 years producing large scale architectural and public art projects throughout the US and Asia. I spent 10 years in Singapore completing many public art works throughout SE Asia, Hong Kong and the mainland. Since returning to the US in 1999, I have concentrated on working with architects and other contemporary artists to produce large scale public art specializing in glass and steel. I often work in the artist team format. I also provide the design, modeling, architect liaison, engineering, fabrication and installation of public artwork, often in collaboration with a wide range of artists. I am a specialist in glass painting with frits fired at high temperature. My studio possesses a full range of glass beveling, faceting and engraving equipment, and I am a master beveler.

BFA University of Minnesota, 1980

2006–present, Santa Fe, New Mexico

  • Public artist and consultant, commission designer working in glass and steel.

1999–2006, Oakland, California

  • Established Derix Art Glass Consultants, LLC to develop public art projects specializing in glass and steel.

  • Extensive travel in US and Asia.

  • Worked closely with two dozen European public artists and a large selection of American and Asian public artists.  

  • Funding review panelist for public and cultural art in Oakland, San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramento, Nagoya, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, etc.  

  • Curated art glass exhibition for Jujo Conference in Nagoya, Japan  August 2002 and 2004.

  • Numerous lectures on architectural art glass in Pilchuck, Corning, Melbourne, Nagoya, and Singapore.

  • Keynote speaker for Stained Glass Association conference 2005.

  • Keynote speaker for Int’l Architectural Art Glass conference, Reykjavik,  2006.

  • Set up first public art program in Taiwan, in Kaohsiung for KRTC train project  2003–2006. Organized public art seminars for Taiwanese artists.

1989–1999, Singapore

  • Architectural art glass consultant and designer – worked with European studios and Asian architects and arts commissions on large scale glass and mural installations throughout the region including Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and Japan.

  • Extensive travel and study of Indonesian and Malaysian traditional and contemporary art.

  • Curated exhibition of Japanese art glass techniques – Singapore Design Center.

  • Curated exhibition of European architectural art glass, including autonomous work, at Australian Art Glass Conference in Adelaide.

1983–1989, Minneapolis, MN

  • Architectural art glass studio; Designer, manager.


Ministry & Liturgy
Stained Glass Quarterly
Neus Glas in Deutschland
Environment and Arts
Singapore Architect
This Side Up